Dear Professionals,
Please find below the link for the Hand Book on “How to Register Trademark Online".

trademarktrade mark, or trade-mark is a recognizable sign, design, or unique expression related to products or services of a particular source from those of others, although trademarks used to identify services are usually called service marks.

                                                           Adv Jeetam Saini
                                                       ( Trademark Attorney )
                                                     ACS, LL.B, DLL, B.COM

   Corporate Seva Kendra

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Originally deed of partnership is executed on XXXXX at Jaipur, and this deed of partnership is made changes in original deed.    
                                                  Is the first part (Here-in-after called the first party) ;

2.      XXXX S/o XXXX age of 26 years R/o, XXXXXXXXXXXXX, Jaipur (Rajasthan).
                                   Is the Second Party (Here-in-after called the Second Party);

(Among of them shall here in after referred as partners which expression shall mean and
 Include their legal heirs, executers, Administrators, representative and or assignees)

                   Whereas the above parties proposed each other a proposal on 05-04-2012 and decided to carry on Hotel Restaurant & Fast Food Business  from the date  mentioned above and now today they feel to execute a written instrument deed of partnership. Therefore business profession activities will be carried on by the partners as per the deed of partnership smoothly at under mentioned terms and conditions and it is expedient to execute a written instrument of partnership deed. Now this is an instrument of partnership is witnesses as under:-

1. Name, Style and place of business:       That the parties hereto have mutually agreed to carry on and will carry on the business in the name of XXXXXXXX  Registered office will be at:1, XXXXXXXXX Colony, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXJaipur. And Provided that the parties hereto may be mutual Agreement among carry on any other business in any name other than the specified above, or in more names than one or at more places than one, or at more places than one, may shift the place of principal carried on at any place or places.


2. DURATION:-   That the duration of partnership is not fixed and it shall be partnership at WILL .

3. ACCOUNTS:-  That the firm shall regularly maintain, in the ordinary course of Business, a true and correct account of all its incomings and outgoing and also of all its assets and liabilities in proper books of accounts, which shall ordinarily be kept at the  firm’s place of business, and final accounts shall be prepared once in every year on 31st March for determination of profits and losses of business carried on by the firm and  a balance sheet prepared of the firm asset and liabilities as on that date which shall be signed by the parties here to and copy which shall be supplied to each party. Every party shall have access to the books of accounts, and the right to verify their correctness at reasonable time during the business hours.

4. PROFIT & LOSSES:-  The net profit share ratio will be which is written here-in-under. Net profit will be ascertained of the partnership business as per the accounts maintained by the partners after deduction of all expenses relating to business operation and its management activities and business of the partnership including rent, Salaries and other establishment expenses, any other expenses relevant to the business as well as interest and remuneration payable to the partners in according with this clause of the deed of partnership on the close of the accounting year. The N/P will be distributed in following proportion (Profit ratio):
  (a)     ½ part to the first party (50% share of N/P),
  (b)     ½ part to the second party (50% share of N/P),
             And the loss, if any, including loss of capital suffered in any year shall also be   
             Apportioned in the above proportion.

5. CAPITAL: -   (i) capital accounts. The capital contributed Rs. 8.00 lacs (Eight) by party no. 1 and Rs.8.00 lacs(EIGHT) contributed by party no. 2 and onward they will be contributed as per mutual consent in agreed  portion by the parties and if more necessary capital as well as further funds require for the purpose of the partnership business shall be contributed as cash or assets or managed by the partners in capital ratio or in such a manner as may be mutually agreed upon by and among the partners from time to time. The interest rate of 12% per annum on credited capital or loan from partners or as may be prescribed under section 40 (b) (iv) of the income tax Act, 1961 or any other applicable provision as may be income tax assessment of the partnership firm for the relevant accounting period shall be payable to the partners on the amount standing to the credit of the account of the partner’s capital a/c’s. Such interest shall be calculated and credited to the account each partners at the close of the accounting year. (ii) However, in case of loss or lower income, rate of interest can be nil or lower than 12% as may be agreed to by and between the partners from time to time.
      (ii)  Land of Business premises belongs to first party so first party will entertain rupees 1800/- per month for the rent of land from the business.         
      (iii)  Both the party will contribute the equal amount for the construction of business building, furniture & fixtures and other capital material for the purpose of carrying on business. And any party retiring from business will claim his capital contribution for aforesaid add purposes according to market value on retiring date.
  6. MANAGEMENT: Both partners have agreed to work in the partnership firm as working    partners. It is hereby agreed that in consideration of the parties to take part working in the partnership. They shall be entitled to remunerate as under:-
The remuneration payable to each working partner shall be calculated at the net income for each accounting period in the following manner [In respect of income (Books Profit)]:
(a)    Salary payable to each working partners
                         Sh. XXXXXXXXXXXi                                            Sh. XXXXXXXX
                                   Rs.                                                                            Rs.
                                7,000/PM                                                            7,000/PM
(b) For purpose of above calculation, “income” other than capital gain on long term capital shall be computed as defined in explanation 3 to section 40(b) of the income tax act , 1961 or any other applicable provision as may be in force for the income tax assessment of the partnership firm for the relevant accounting period.


The above partners shall not be entitled to draw any remuneration in the accounting period in which the partnership firm has suffered loss on the basis of the “income” as computed under the provisions of the income tax act, 1961 referred to in (ii) above.
(c) The remuneration payable to the above shall be credited to their respective account monthly or at the close of the accounting period when final accounts of the partnership are made up and the amount of remuneration shall fall due to them as then as determined in the above manner. The said partners shall be entitled to the draw the above salary remuneration per month or after the end of the relevant accounting period as per mutual consent.
(d)  The partners shall be entitled to increase or reduce the above remuneration and may agree to pay remuneration to the working partner or partners as the case may be. The parties hereto may also agree to revise the mode of calculating the above said remuneration as may be agreed to by and between the partners from time to time.

7. BANKERS:- That the parties hereto mutual agreement shall maintain one or more than one bank account with one or more than one bank of repute. And both the parties mutually agree and decided that such account of banks shall be opened with any bank or banks and these bank accounts shall be operated by all partners of the firm. It is necessary to make their sign jointly on cheques for business payments and cash drawings from bank for business purposes being partner and can do all formalities for loan or c/c facilities or mortgage loan for the firm as may be indicated to the Bank/Banks in the instructions given by the firm from time to time.

8 ACTS NOT BE TO DONE WITHOUT CONSENT: - That party shall, without the consent of other parties that purpose, do any of the following acts, namely:-
(a)  Engage while he is a partner to be directly concerned, in any business other than of any competing with the profession of the firm in market,
(b)  Engage or dismissed agents, clerks or other servants for or of the firm,
( c) Lend any money or deliver any goods belonging to the firm.
(d)  Release or compound any debts or claim owing to the firm, or admit any liability in suit or proceeding against the firm.
(e)  Made any payment for or acknowledgment any liability of the firm.
(f) Transfer his interest in the firm by mortgage, sale or otherwise, or introduce or attempt to introduce any person into the firm as an apprentice or otherwise.
(g)  Enter into partnership on behalf of the firm.
(h)  Open a Bank account on behalf or the firm in his own name.

ANY party committing any breach of any of the aforesaid mentioned stipulations or cause loss by his fraud or willful neglect in the conduct of the business of the firm , shall indemnify to the other party and or the firm from all losses and expenses on account thereof.

9. SEPRATE DEBTS: - That parties hereto shall regularly pay and discharge there separates debts and liabilities and shall indemnify the firm against the same.

10. RETIREMENT OF A PARTNER: - That any party hereto shall, at any time during the subsistence of the partnership be desirous of retiring from the firm, it shall be competent for his to do so and their credited amount in capital a/c shall be payable in installments or one lump sums as agreed among the partners.
                                PROVIDED always that he shall in such a case give at least half calendar month notice of his intention so to do.

11. DEATH OF PARTNER: - That in the event of death of first party (Partner), the remaining second party will carry on the business in same name admitting the deceased partner’s legal heir as partner in the firm otherwise the firm will be dissolved.


12. WINDING UP OF PARTNERSHIP:- That upon the final winding up of the firm, a general account shall be taken of the assets and liabilities of the transaction of the partnership, and settled in accordance with the provisions of the Indian partnership act of 1932,and each party shall execut6e and do all such deed, documents and things as may be necessary of convenient for affecting the speedy winding up of the partnership affairs and for such mutual indemnity and release as may be required.

13. JURIDICTION: - That the jurisdiction will be at jaipur courts only and the provisions of the Indian partnership act, 1932 shall apply, in the case of differences, dispute or doubts among the parties hereto, provisions of the Indian arbitration act, 1940 or any latest Indian arbitration act. If any enforce shall apply.

            In witness where of the parties hereto have here under set their hands on today.

                                                                                                          (Sh. XXXXXXXX) 
                                                                                                                 First party

                                                                                                             (Sh. XXXXXXXXXXXXX)   
Partner                                                                                                                                                                                      Second party                                                                                                                  

Witness: -      


 I---------------------------------- S/o------------------------R/o--------------------- And----------Prop/part./--------Of------------------ M/s--------------------------------------
do solemnly affirm and declare as under:-
1That I am responsible for operating the mine of Granite Stone of area--------------         Hect.Having ML No.-------------------- N/V-----------Tehsil----------Distt.-------------- in lease name of Sh./M/s--------------------------------------------
      2 That I,------------------------ S/o-------------------
 R/o------------------------------,And Prop./Part./Of----------------- M/s--------------------Is authorized to sign the consent application form and other documents & the affidavit required to be enclosed with the application.
3.The validity of the minig lease is from -----------        ----------------------- to ---------------       -----------------.
     4.That the total capital investment in the project      is Rupees ---------- Lacs.
     5.That there shall not any discharge of effluent from the premises of the unit.
      6. That all adequate measure to conrol water/air pollution has been taken care of so              as to achieve the standards prescribed under Environment (portection) Rules,1986 and      rules made there under.
7. That for the Diesel Generate Set (s) (of capacity-KVA) acoustic enclosure/acoustic treatment has    been provide to meet the prescribed norms w.r.t.noise as per th Gazeette Notification of Ministry of Environment & Forests,Government of India,dated 02.01.99. Adequate stack height with D.G.Set (s) shall also be provided and maintained.
8. We have planted trees total---------------- Nos.i.e.---------------------------------------                  


Verified at -------------------- on this -----------------
(day,month and year),that the above content of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my Knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed there from.