I---------------------------------- S/o------------------------R/o--------------------- And----------Prop/part./--------Of------------------ M/s--------------------------------------
do solemnly affirm and declare as under:-
1That I am responsible for operating the mine of Granite Stone of area--------------         Hect.Having ML No.-------------------- N/V-----------Tehsil----------Distt.-------------- in lease name of Sh./M/s--------------------------------------------
      2 That I,------------------------ S/o-------------------
 R/o------------------------------,And Prop./Part./Of----------------- M/s--------------------Is authorized to sign the consent application form and other documents & the affidavit required to be enclosed with the application.
3.The validity of the minig lease is from -----------        ----------------------- to ---------------       -----------------.
     4.That the total capital investment in the project      is Rupees ---------- Lacs.
     5.That there shall not any discharge of effluent from the premises of the unit.
      6. That all adequate measure to conrol water/air pollution has been taken care of so              as to achieve the standards prescribed under Environment (portection) Rules,1986 and      rules made there under.
7. That for the Diesel Generate Set (s) (of capacity-KVA) acoustic enclosure/acoustic treatment has    been provide to meet the prescribed norms w.r.t.noise as per th Gazeette Notification of Ministry of Environment & Forests,Government of India,dated 02.01.99. Adequate stack height with D.G.Set (s) shall also be provided and maintained.
8. We have planted trees total---------------- Nos.i.e.---------------------------------------                  


Verified at -------------------- on this -----------------
(day,month and year),that the above content of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my Knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed there from.